updated 8:44 AM EDT, Mar 25, 2020
Super User

Super User

Saturday, 05 December 2015 05:58

Where Did the Road Go? - 5/12/2015

In studio appearance on Where Did the Road Go? hosted by Seriah Azkath, as we talk about the new Travis documentary and my new book Halt in Woodbridge.


Friday, 07 August 2015 05:52

Radio Mysterioso - 8/7/2015

‘Radio Misterioso” when host Greg Bishop along with Peter Robbins, Richard Dolan, and Nick Redfern will be discussing what I’d characterize as the current crisis in ufology, and that’s putting it mildly:


Saturday, 15 August 2015 05:52

The EDX Files - 8/15/2015

EDX Files programme, Glasgow, recorded 8-15-15, on Halt situation:


Tuesday, 20 January 2015 05:46

THA Talks - Jan 2015

THA Talks, from the UK, January 2015.


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